Our Catholic Faith

2024-2026 Faith Theme

Growing in the Trinity: Love, Mercy & Grace

Our faith theme celebrates the unique mission and identity of our Catholic school division and offers opportunities to inspire and engage students, families, and staff, animating our ongoing journey of faith with excitement, hope, and joy. It provides a focus for faith learning, spiritual development, community building, and service.

Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools’ three-year faith theme for  2023-2026 is: Growing in the Trinity: Love, Mercy & Grace

“Growing in the Trinity” provides a framework within which we meditate on the mystery of the Trinity, and grow in our understanding of, and relationship with each person of the Holy Trinity. As we focus on the love of the Father, the mercy of the Son, and the action of the Spirit (who pours grace nto our hearts), we see ourselves at the center, growing and thriving.

2023-24 Growing in Love

With the Father, our Creator, who is the origin of love, we are inspired to share that love with one another. God is “Father”, which means I am a child of God; we are ALL called by name to grow in love toward one another (sub-themes: chosen, inclusivity, belonging, universality of God’s love).

“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are.” (1 John 3:1)

2024-25 Growing in Mercy

With the Son, Our Redeemer, as the icon of God’s mercy and forgiveness, we are called to show compassion, mercy and forgiveness to our neighbours. Mercy is when God forgives me. We are called to recognize our imperfections, to seek out God’s mercy, and to show mercy toward others (sub-themes: humility, redemption, forgiveness, gratefulness).

“...be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, as God in Christ has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

2025-26 Growing in Grace

With the Holy Spirit, Our Sanctifier, as the bestower of grace, we are called to open ourselves to the Spirit, to recognize the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and to grow in grace. Grace is when God gives me something I have not earned. We need to be open to the spirit, and we respond by sharing our gifts and graces with others (sub-themes: blessed, gifted, Fruit of the Holy Spirit, charisms). 

“Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God.” (1 Corinthians 2:12)

Our Parishes



Saint Albert Catholic Parish


Father Ignacy Warias

7 St. Vital Avenue
St. Albert, Alberta
T8N 1K1

Telephone: (780) 459-6691
Fax: (780) 459-6679

Rite of Christian Initiation Schedule at Saint Albert Parish

Children: Click here for Rite of Christian Initiation for Children

Adults: Click here for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Holy Family Catholic Parish


Father Jozef Wroblewski

75 Poirier Avenue
St. Albert Alberta
T8N 6A1, Canada

Telephone: 780-459-3694
Fax: 780-460-4239
E-mail: hfp@holyfamilyparish.ca

Rite of Christian Initiation Schedule at Holy Family Parish

Contact: Marieta P.