Elite Performance Centre

Students can benefit from our Flexible Hybrid Programming which offers the ability to have excellent academic programming tailored to the needs of each student.  At SACHS, we value all that makes students thrive.  If your extracurricular passions are important to you, then they are important to us!  Let us help you achieve your academic goals without compromising the hard work and dedication that have been invested into other areas of your life, such as athletics, arts, music, or an apprenticeship program.

The new Elite Performance Centre will include a modernization to the gymnasiums, an on-site trainer to facilitate athletic-related requirements, schedules that are designed around the needs of students with exceptional extracurricular time commitments, support from teachers and staff to facilitate successful academic performance, and ultimately provide students with the ability to control their own learning

The flexible programming will be individualized for each student and may include a combination of in-class learning, online learning, and self-learning modules. Students may also complete courses in a shorter or longer time frame depending on scheduling. Changes to the school facilities include converting the second gym to a training facility, new equipment, new windows in both gymnasiums, and a dedicated trainer for all students. 

How can I register?

Please contact the school to express your interest and make sure you are registered with our division. You can register here.

Who is this program for?

This program isn’t just for athletes - we envision musicians who need time to train, actors, athletes, or maybe students who need to balance RAP program work experiences and school time. Anyone who needs flexible programming can find it here.

Student Timetable Benefits

  • "I am so grateful to have teachers support me while I am studying to become a professional musician."
  • "I miss a lot of school time so that I can participate in swim meets, and the flexible, hybrid program allows me to stay on track with my education while excelling in swimming."
  • "Being able to get my training in during school hours with a professional trainer allows me to spend more time in the evening with my family and friends, and saves my parents driving me to activities as often."
  • "With my RAP work experience, I can now manage school by taking online courses and attending in-person when my schedule allows it."